Youth Mental Health
First Aid (YMHFA)

Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) training is a widespread, well-respected, evidence-based program that teaches youth workers how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health challenges, addiction, and crisis in adolescents. Schedule a YMHFA training and increase your team’s knowledge of these important skills–plus, everyone who passes the course will attain a YMHFA certification.

Death by Suicide - Counts & Rates
El Paso County
Ages 0-18

When adults who work with youth are able to address challenges and crises in a healthy and effective way, we reduce the risk of teens and young adults dying by suicide or causing harm to themselves or others. You can see the impact of our YMHFA training and other, similar programs in the graph above–the death by suicide rate in El Paso County has decreased in recent years!

YMHFA Training Details

The Education For a Lifetime YMHFA training…

You can also reach out to us at to schedule a YMHFA training in your middle or high school.