Education For a Lifetime partnered with Mayfield Counseling Centers to create Who Can Relate, a suicide prevention program for students that prompts them to establish self-worth by identifying who needs them, who loves them, and where they find their value. Schedule a Who Can Relate program and start important conversations about death by suicide.

In 2022, 19% of reported deaths in El Paso County were death by suicide*. 4 children under the age of 18 died by suicide*.
*Read the full coroner’s report here.
This program teaches students about their value and self-worth in order to reduce their risk of dying by suicide. Who Can Relate…
- Is meant to be presented alongside what is already being taught in schools
- Relates and is sensitive to youth who have experienced thoughts of suicide, bullying, cutting, abusive relationships, and other mental health risk factors
- Takes a different approach to the serious topic of suicide by encouraging students to identify their worth, rather than focusing on the negative outcomes of death by suicide
- Is conversation-driven and leaves students with tangible steps for action
- Adapts to various school schedules, including assemblies, and can be taught in one 50-minute class, one 90-minute class or an assembly time frame

You can also reach out to us at to schedule a Who Can Relate program for your students.