Teaching middle schoolers to set boundaries and high schoolers to avoid sexual risks

Over 10 years in the making, Education For a Lifetime’s Pursue programs are designed to prepare students for relationships. Pursue Middle School focuses on teaching students how to think critically and set boundaries in order to value themselves and others. Pursue High School is our sexual risk avoidance (SRA) program that works in conjunction with high school human anatomy & sexuality units. Schedule a Pursue program and support your students as they learn to form healthy, meaningful relationships.

In 2021, the teen birth rate in El Paso County was 22.8%*. 724 El Paso County teens gave birth that year*.

*View data here.

Pursue High School

This is our Sexual Risk Avoidance (SRA) program for teens. Pursue High School…

Pursue Middle School

This program lays the social-emotional groundwork for teaching adolescents about high-risk behaviors. Pursue Middle School…

Schedule a Pursue program for your middle or high school students today.

You can also reach out to us at admin@eflonline.org to schedule a Pursue program in your middle or high school.