The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), describes adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, as, “potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood (0-17 years).” Our ACEs training teaches youth workers how to identify and assess ACEs, reduce children’s risk and exposure to ACEs, and nurture resiliency and skill building in the children they reach. Schedule an ACEs training and increase your team’s knowledge of trauma, the impact of trauma, and trauma-informed care.

Why ACEs Training?
“Research shows that adverse childhood experiences can impact the physical health, mental health and social well-being of individuals. In many cases it is known to seriously impact academic achievement, homelessness, poverty, incarceration, chronic disease, substance abuse and the ability to maintain a job.”
From Orr, Kathy (2021). “Childhood Trauma and Adversity Education.” Peaceful Households.
When we address a child’s ACEs, reduce the impact of those ACEs, and teach them to manage future ACEs, we create the potential for that child to change the course of their life and prevent ACEs and trauma in future generations.
ACEs Training Details
The Education For a Lifetime ACEs training…
- Can be presented for both individuals and organizations
- Introduces strategies like identification and assessment, reducing risk and exposure, and nurturing resiliency and skill-building
- Increases knowledge of trauma
- Provides ways to work with children, families, and communities to reduce the impact of trauma
- Teaches attendees how to become trauma-informed care community members
- Is a two-hour in-person training

You can also reach out to us at to schedule a ACEs training in your middle or high school.